So that no headache recurrence, doing it this way

So that no headache recurrence, doing it this way - Headache that appears in the wrong time could disrupt your activities. Especially if the headaches often appear in your activity. Here are tips for relieving headaches and back again, reported by iVillage.

Open the window

When a home is often closed, the air does not change, it could be bacteria and viruses still hanging around in your home. This causes the headache worse. Open some windows for air circulation smoothly and you can breathe fresh air.

Consumption of ginger

Add 1/2 teaspoon fresh ginger to your daily diet. It can relieve chronic headaches in a week, say researchers at Manchester Memorial Hospital in Connecticut.

Smell the essential oil of orange

Spend one minute three times a day to relax while sipping orange essential oil. It can reduce the risk of stress headaches within one week, say researchers from Stanford University. Tangerine aromatic compounds that calm the central nervous system, a strained neck muscles.

Avoid herbal medicine as a medical drug use

Research shows that some of the most popular herbs today include ginkgo, ginseng can counteract medical drugs that cause headaches worse.

Expand eat vegetables

Consumption of vegetables in large quantities can reduce the pain of headaches.

Pamper yourself

Use 30 minutes to rest and relax. Thus headache attacks will be reduced.

Overcome headache recurrence with the tips above so as not to interfere with your activities.