Rules eat before and after donating blood

Rules eat before and after donating blood - Blood donation is a noble one activity that nourish the body. However, in order to maintain good health, follow the rules of eating before and after donating blood as reported by the Health Me Up below.

Prior to blood donation
  • Eat foods rich in iron, such as whole wheat, spinach, and watermelon.
  • In addition to iron, multiply also food sources of vitamin C to maximize iron absorption in the body.
  • Do not be lazy to drink water and fruit juice every night. Rules at least eight glasses a day of water consumed should always be done.
  • Avoid fatty foods prior to donating blood. Because the collection of fats in the blood makes the disease difficult to detect.
  • Enjoy a nutritious meal right before donating blood. The goal is to keep blood sugar stable and keep the body stable after donating blood.
After blood donation
  • Immediately drink plenty to replace lost fluids in the body. This is done to prevent the drop in blood pressure.
  • Eating foods rich in folic acid or B9 is found in liver, asparagus, green leafy vegetables, and orange juice.
  • Besides B9, vitamin B2 is also important to stimulate the consumption of red blood cell production. Intake of vitamin B2 can also help the body process carbohydrates into energy. Some food sources rich in B2 are eggs, peanuts, green vegetables, broccoli, and dairy products.
  • Next, immediate consumption of foods such as potatoes, bananas, red meat, and fish as the intake of vitamin B6.
Those are some important rules about eating before and after donating blood. May be useful.

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