What is the ideal age for a child to learn to swim?

What is the ideal age for a child to learn to swim? - A video on YouTube of a 16-month-old toddler who learned to swim rampant discussed in cyberspace. It was finally raises a question for the experts, the actual number of ideal age for children to learn to swim?

"There is no rule how the recommended age for children to learn to swim. However one also if we assume that the child can automatically know how to survive in the water," said Dr. Jon LaPook, medical correspondent of CBS News.

Dr. LaPook also added a child is usually only done in accordance reflex response body. For example, hold your breath if you are in the water.

Even so, it does not mean the child is safe from the risk of drowning. According to experts from the American Academy of Pediatrics, drowning is one of the causes of death that threatens children aged 1-19 years. Toddlers and teenage boys are also most at risk of death due to drowning.

Part of the problem is the fact drowning is sometimes quite difficult conditions known. Many people think that if drowning, swimmers will yell and be seen thrashing in the water. The reality is not.

Mostly, just drowning victim could not ask for help. Because they are difficult to take the air. In addition, when the human body will sink to remain upright in the water and did not look in pain. So can anyone else see the actual drowning victim was swimming.

As reported by CBS News, a local research never mentions that children should be taught swimming since the age of four years and over. Parties to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention also recommends that children be given a float and strict supervision while in the water.

Meanwhile, the father of 16-month-old toddler who learned to swim earlier said that the video is recorded and diunduhnya nothing to worry about. Because she is a nurse and she is swimming instructor. Both are professionals and have taught their children to swim with caution.

The toddler's father intentionally teach their children to swim to prevent drowning risks. But he also gave advice,

"Please do not throw the child into the water with it. Thing that makes them very dangerous and trauma. Slowly Teach it right," he said.