How long is the ideal nap time?

How long is the ideal nap time? - The longer you are awake, the sooner you will feel sleepy. Scientists think this is caused by a buildup of neurotransmitters in the brain called adenosine.
Taking a nap adenosine causes the brain to get rid of quickly, so you may have a hard time falling asleep later at night. However, there are some benefits to taking a short nap during the day.

Studies show that people who take naps to 20 percent better memory than those who do exercise as reported by Fox News.
Researchers believe sleep may help the hippocampus (part of the brain responsible for short-term memory) to make room for new information.

But too long a nap can make you feel groggy and weak. So try to take a nap for 20 minutes. The time feels right, because it is not too short and not too long. Body will feel more refreshed after a nap in the ideal time.

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