Prevent infection by cleaning the mouth gums once a year

Prevent infection by cleaning the mouth gums once a year - For many people, check their teeth and perform dental cleaning once a year to the dentist may be sufficient to prevent infection of the gums that causes tooth dislodged, according to recent research.

"Cleaning your teeth twice a year has been recommended for 50 years without sufficient evidence," said lead researcher William Giannobile, professor at the University of Michigan, as reported by U.S. News.
However, the results of this study indicate that a thorough cleaning once a year to the dentist is enough for patients who have no risk factors. For patients who have risk factors should continue to do the cleaning mouth twice a year. Some risk factors that can lead to gum disease include smoking, diabetes, and genetic factors.

These results were found after researchers looked at data of more than 5,100 adults who visited a dentist for 15 years. The participants did not have a history of gum disease and perform cleanup once and twice a year.

It is known that cleaning twice a year can be effective for people who have two or three risk factors. But for people who do not have these risk factors, do the cleaning once a year is enough to prevent gum infection that causes tooth 'fall out'.

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