Proper diet for asthma sufferers

Proper diet for asthma sufferers - People with asthma who eat a diet low in fat and high in fiber have a great chance heal more than that enjoyed a less healthy diet, according to new research.

In the study, patients with acute asthma were asked to consume each of five grams of fat and fiber every day. Their conditions were then compared with healthy people.
As a result, each 10 gram increase in daily fat intake, people with asthma increased by 48 percent.

"The existence of this study can be used as dietary guidelines for people with asthma. They need to reduce fat intake and increase fiber rations to relieve his condition," said researcher Bronwyn Berthon from the University of Newcastle in Australia.

Berthon also said that this study only shows a relationship, not a cause and effect between diet and asthma.

As reported by Live Science, there are 137 people with asthma and 65 healthy respondents involved in this study. They were asked to fill out questionnaires, blood test, and daily consumption of fat and fiber.

The results are then reported in the journal Respirology.

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