Watch out, often heading the ball can damage the brain

Watch out, often heading the ball can damage the brain - Menyudul techniques balls or so-called 'heading' is usually done by the soccer players are known to cause problems in the brain. Not only that, this technique can also make football players risk of memory loss, according to new research.

Effect 'heading' committed by football players known to almost the same as the patient is injured trauma on the brain, based on the results of the scan. This result is known to researchers after observing the brain scans of 37 amateur soccer players.
Researchers found changes in the white part of the brain that contains millions of nerve in the brain footballer. These nerve fibers serve as a liaison between the inside of the brain.

"We chose to observe soccer players because football is the most popular game in the world. Football played by many people of all ages, including children. Additionally there is concern about the ball menyudul techniques that can be harmful to the brain," said lead researcher Dr Michael Lipton of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, in New York, as reported by the Telegraph.

They found that players who frequently headed the ball up to 1,800 times a year has a bad score in the memory test. Participants who began the study has been playing soccer for 22 years. They also played for 10 months in the year before the study.

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