Overcome insomnia by eating fruit cherry

Overcome insomnia by eating fruit cherry - Cherry is one of the fruits that contain high antioxidants, a good source of melanin, as well as a powerful food to overcome the problem of insomnia. Consider the other health benefits of cherry fruit more as reported by the following Medical Daily.


Cherry consumption was associated with a decrease in inflammation in the body. In addition, eating cherry fruit also reduces the risk of arthritis, gout, and uric acid problems.

Preventing diabetes
Because it contains antioxidants called anthocyanins, cherry is a fruit that is able to regulate insulin in balance. So eating cherry fruit with trying to prevent type 2 diabetes.

Lowers the risk of heart disease

Cherry juice is tasty and healthy food for the heart. Because cherry can reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease, both consumed with drugs or not.

Ward off cancer

Cherry fruit consumption per day has a benefits control waistlines. Indirectly, obesity prevention also counteract the risk of seven types of cancer, one of which is the large intestine.

Improve memory

A study had proven that the antioxidants in cherry capable of improving memory function of the laboratory mice.

Overcoming insomnia

Difficulty sleeping? Diligently try eating cherry fruit at dinner. Research has shown that the fruit that one is able to overcome insomnia and improve sleep at night.

That many health benefits that you can get when eating cherry fruit. Enjoy.

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