7 super food which strengthens bones

7 super food which strengthens bones - There are only a few food sources contain vitamin D. Ideally vitamin D produced in the body when you are exposed to sunlight in the morning. However, modern lifestyles keep us busy so rarely work out in the morning. That's why, we should be more frequent eating foods rich in vitamin D. Bone health depends on the consumption of vitamin D. Here are the foods rich in vitamin D, and is excellent for bone health, as reported by Boldsky.

1. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a food source of vitamin D. Mushrooms also have a lot of zinc and protein content.

2. Cod liver oil

Cod liver oil is a dietary supplement rich in vitamin D. Cod liver oil itself is oil extracted from cod. It is available in capsule form.

3. Tuna fish

Most fish that inhabit the cold ocean waters contain much vitamin D. However, tuna is a good source of vitamin D which is the highest compared to other fish.

4. Eggs

Eggs are rich in vitamin D. However, the egg can not meet the daily requirement of vitamin D you. Therefore, you have to eat them with other foods rich in vitamin D.

5. Soy products

Soy products are foods rich in vitamin D. Soy milk will give you the nutrients needed for bone health.

6. Salmon

Salmon is a cold water fish species are also high in vitamin D. These fish should be baked and not fried to retain maximum nutritional value in it.

7. Oyster

Seafood oysters are rich in various essential nutrients. Beside rich in vitamin D, oysters also contain a lot of vitamin B12, selenium, copper, iron, and many more.

Here are seven foods that are rich in vitamin D and very good for bone health. Good luck!