This is because other people are bitten by mosquitoes

This is because other people are bitten by mosquitoes - Certainly very annoying if you frequently bitten body. Your body will itch even get blisters due to scratching. Mosquitoes are often arise at any time, especially in a darkened room. But there are other reasons that make you bitten by mosquitoes. What is it? Check out his review below as reported by Reader Digest.

Mosquitoes like people who sweat
You think mosquitoes are interested because you are sweet blood. You are wrong. That's because the carbon dioxide produced. The harder you breathe, the more you emit CO2, so you are more attractive to mosquitoes.

Additionally sweat with a towel dry immediately to avoid mosquitoes surrounded. Because mosquitoes can take the chemicals present in human sweat.

Like beer?

After you drink beer, there are chemical changes in your skin and lure mosquitoes to bite.

Smelly feet

According to scientists, foot odor makes mosquitoes like to bite you. Therefore Wash feet so as not to be bitten.


Pregnant women emits more carbon dioxide da stomach has a higher temperature. Therefore mosquitoes also like to target pregnant women.

No wonder it if mosquitoes are targeting humans. Therefore you must always keep the cleanliness.

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