Trouble sleeping at night? This is why!

Trouble sleeping at night? This is why! - There are many reasons that make someone difficult to sleep at night. One of them is related to a medical condition. If you are one of those who often have trouble sleeping at night, here are medical reasons that affect these conditions, as reported by the Daily Mail.

1. Muscle cramps

Causes of muscle cramps in the calves, thighs or legs at night is not known, but they may be triggered by certain drugs, such as statins. One American study found that 20 per cent increased risk of muscle problems, including cramps, occur in those taking cholesterol-lowering drugs.

2. Nocturnal Asthma

Asthma that occurs at night is called nocturnal asthma. More than five million Britons suffer from asthma, some of whom had asthma only at night. The problem is, lay it can make mucus to accumulate in the airways and create pressure on the lungs.

3. Heart condition

If you wake up gasping for breath after a few hours of sleep at night, this could be a sign there is a problem with your heart. Immediately consult your complaint with your doctor to find the right treatment.

4. Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a chronic disorder in which you stop breathing repeatedly during the night, causing you to have to wake up from your deep sleep, and is characterized by loud snoring habits. Lose weight, quit smoking, and drinking water before bed can help you.

5. Backache

Back pain can make you into a restless sleep. You need to replace your mattress every eight to ten years.

6. Gastric acid

Acid reflux into the esophagus can make you restless sleep. This condition mainly affects people who have excess fat around the abdomen.

7. Infection

If you wake up in the middle of the night and feel dizzy, you may be suffering from benign positional vertigo. It mainly affects women over the age of 50. Sleep on your back with two pillows can help as it can stabilize the position of your head.

8. Drug

Some medications can interfere with your sleep at night, including drugs for high blood pressure and flu, which often contain caffeine.

9. Hormone

Insomnia can also be caused by low levels of the hormone. In women, estrogen levels are very important to maintain the body temperature. However, the level of this hormone will decrease before or during the menstrual period, or during menopause.

There are nine reasons why you feel hard to sleep at night. Do not ignore your body's complaints given and immediately consult a doctor.