This is what happens to the body after doing yoga

Yoga is now beginning to be done by many people. Because yoga has a relatively relaxed movement but able to provide a variety of health benefits.

Following this, the Huffington Post also share various things that happen to the body after doing yoga. Listen more.

After taking a yoga class
  • Certain yoga moves can improve cognitive brain function, maximize memory, and makes the mind more focused.
  • Yoga to relieve the stress levels caused by many things, ranging from jobs, families, until other problems.
  • A yoga done in a room with warm temperatures effectively improve the flexibility of the body.
  • Genes that are bad and trigger the disease can become better and healthy.
After a few months
  • Yoga is done regularly can lower high blood pressure.
  • Powerful breathing exercises in yoga increases lung capacity.
  • Intimate and sexual life as a couple is getting better because of yoga.
  • Some chronic pain, for example in the neck and back, can be eased because yoga routine.
  • For diabetics, doing yoga can help them in lowering blood sugar levels.
  • Relieve anxiety, prevent stress, and ward off a variety of other mental disorders.
  • Yoga is also able to improve the balance of the body.
After several years
  • Decreased risk of heart disease because yoga routine in the long run.
  • Ideal body weight can be achieved so that the risk of obesity can be avoided.
  • Bones become stronger and avoid the risk of osteoporosis.
That's what happens to the body after doing yoga. How, if you are interested in yoga?