5 reasons why walking is better than running

5 reasons why walking is better than running - According to one study, walking is actually as healthy as running. Because both are able to relieve stress and cholesterol, as well as lowering the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

But for some reason, it turned out even better walking than running. How can that be? See the first explanation, as reported by Mother Nature Network following.

Immune system

Walking health benefits in the long run. Because if the runners high risk of infection, the immune system does not harm feet. Not only that, run a marathon too risky to burn fat as well as muscle tissue. That's what ultimately makes the body's immune system weakened and susceptible to disease.

Heart health
For people who have a weak heart condition, running is not a sport that is suggested to them. Because running can actually be harmful to heart health. But the weak of heart patients can still benefit by way of foot health.


There are many cases of injuries suffered by athletes runners. They also often suffer from inflammation at the joints, such as the legs, hips, and other joints. Because running is reducing the 'lubricant' which is located at the joints of the body. But the same thing will not happen to someone who often walk alone.


In addition to joints, cartilage is also most at risk of degradation due to run in the long term. Therefore, it can be said that walking is actually better than running.

Heat shock

Running is not advisable to do so in the hot weather. Because there is a high risk of a person exposed to heat shock conditions. Although walking in broad daylight also have the same risk, but the risk is much lower than with running.

Those are some reasons why walking is better than running. You yourself would prefer to run or walk?

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