6 surprising benefits of cinnamon - Many know that cinnamon is used for flavoring food and cooking, but behind the taste and smell that turns savory cinnamon can also make the body healthy. As can control blood sugar and others.
So what are the health benefits of cinnamon? As quoted from Care2, following the six benefits of cinnamon shocking to human health.
1. Prevent blood clots
Cinnamon oil can produce Cinnamaldehyde. Oil is what can stop the blood coagulating. Based whfoods.com, cinnamon issued anti - inflammatory fatty acid called arachidonic. These fatty acids reduce inflammation and then blood clots.
2. Anti - bacterial
Natural oils of cinnamon can also prevent the growth of mold and bacteria in the body. Because of the ability of anti - bacterial and microbes, researchers have even explained that cinnamon can be used as a natural food preservative traditional.
3. Controlling blood sugar
Cinnamon contains antioxidants which can help control blood sugar levels. Cinnamon helps digestion after meals and help improve response to insulin in patients with type 2 diabetes. Only one gram of cinnamon is known to lower blood sugar levels, triglycerides, bad cholesterol, and total cholesterol in diabetic patients. Based whfoods.com, cinnamon also lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease in diabetic patients.
4. Improve brain function
Cinnamon smell known to increase brain activity. Whfoods.com also explained that the smell of cinnamon can improve a person's cognitive processes and helps in concentrating, remembering, working at the speed of a computer program.
5. Lowering cholesterol
Cinnamon contains calcium, fiber, and many minerals such as manganese. To that end, the cinnamon is very suitable for digestive health, gut, as well as protect against heart disease. Cinnamon can also lower cholesterol. Calcium and fiber in cinnamon also helps eliminate the salt in the body and prevent colon cancer. Not only that, the fiber in cinnamon may also treat constipation or diarrhea.
6. Warm
Cinnamon is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to people affected by fever or influenza. This is because cinnamon contains a substance that makes the body warm and comfortable.
Those are some surprising benefits that can be obtained from the cinnamon. Never again underestimate the efficacy of cinnamon on your food or drink.
So what are the health benefits of cinnamon? As quoted from Care2, following the six benefits of cinnamon shocking to human health.
1. Prevent blood clots
Cinnamon oil can produce Cinnamaldehyde. Oil is what can stop the blood coagulating. Based whfoods.com, cinnamon issued anti - inflammatory fatty acid called arachidonic. These fatty acids reduce inflammation and then blood clots.
2. Anti - bacterial
Natural oils of cinnamon can also prevent the growth of mold and bacteria in the body. Because of the ability of anti - bacterial and microbes, researchers have even explained that cinnamon can be used as a natural food preservative traditional.
3. Controlling blood sugar
Cinnamon contains antioxidants which can help control blood sugar levels. Cinnamon helps digestion after meals and help improve response to insulin in patients with type 2 diabetes. Only one gram of cinnamon is known to lower blood sugar levels, triglycerides, bad cholesterol, and total cholesterol in diabetic patients. Based whfoods.com, cinnamon also lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease in diabetic patients.
4. Improve brain function
Cinnamon smell known to increase brain activity. Whfoods.com also explained that the smell of cinnamon can improve a person's cognitive processes and helps in concentrating, remembering, working at the speed of a computer program.
5. Lowering cholesterol
Cinnamon contains calcium, fiber, and many minerals such as manganese. To that end, the cinnamon is very suitable for digestive health, gut, as well as protect against heart disease. Cinnamon can also lower cholesterol. Calcium and fiber in cinnamon also helps eliminate the salt in the body and prevent colon cancer. Not only that, the fiber in cinnamon may also treat constipation or diarrhea.
6. Warm
Cinnamon is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to people affected by fever or influenza. This is because cinnamon contains a substance that makes the body warm and comfortable.
Those are some surprising benefits that can be obtained from the cinnamon. Never again underestimate the efficacy of cinnamon on your food or drink.