5 Foods that contain lots of vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential vitamins that help the body functions as a whole. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to many problems, ranging from brittle bones, muscle problems, to hair problems.

One of the best sources of vitamin D is sunlight. But of course constantly being in the sun it is not good for skin health. Therefore, to meet the needs of vitamin D, you can eat some of these foods, as reported by the Health Me Up.

1. Mushrooms

The fungus can produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight in its infancy. The fungus is also one name that is rich in vitamin D. In addition, the fungus is producing vitamin B5 and copper are also needed by the body.

2. Fatty fish

Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel are rich in vitamin D. In addition to vitamin D, fish also contains omega - 3 fatty acids are good for heart health. Even so, be careful of the fish that contains mercury.

3. Cod liver oil

Cod liver oil is one of the most popular supplements. This supplement contains vitamin D and vitamin A are very high.

4. Yolk

Egg yolks also contain plenty of vitamin D. In addition , egg yolks also contain a lot of protein and a good source to get vitamin B12. Even so, you should not consume too much egg yolk if you're dieting, because calories are quite high.

5. Products fortified vitamin D

There are many products that are fortified with vitamin D such as cow's milk, soy milk, orange juice, cereal, and more. The product can be added vitamin D in it. You can see through the packaging, which products are fortified with vitamin D is enough.

Do not rush to take vitamin D supplements in capsule form or whatever. Consuming vitamin D through natural foods and healthy still better than taking supplements alone.