6 Benefits and spinach for health benefits

Spinach is a green leafy vegetable that is already familiar to the people of Indonesia. Spinach is low in calories and rich in fiber can be considered as one of the healthiest vegetables than others. Spinach contains lots of benefits ranging from maintaining healthy skin, hair, bone up.

Spinach also contains many nutrients such as potassium , magnesium , and iron as well as vitamins such as vitamin A, C, D, and E. Spinach can be enjoyed as a salad, in cooking, or juiced. Here are some of the health benefits that can be obtained from spinach, as reported by the Health Me Up.

1. Protects against cancer

Spinach contains lots of flavonoids that are known to have anti - cancer substances. Flavonoids are also known to shrink the size of the skin cancer cells. Not only that, eating spinach is known to provide protection from prostate cancer in men.

2. Eye health

Spinach contains carotenoids, one form of antioxidants that are good for protecting the health of the eyes. To that end, eating spinach may protect the eyes from cataracts and macular generation.

3. Bone Health

Spinach also contains a lot of vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium are good for maintaining bone health. To that end, eating spinach important for bone health and prevent bone loss. Eating spinach is also recommended if you have recently experienced a fracture.

4. Healthy Skin
Vitamin A is found in spinach helps maintain healthy skin. This is because the vitamin A make skin moist, preventing skin problems such as acne, wrinkles, psoriasis, and others.

5. Enhance immune

Eating spinach will maintain health and to control the amount of white blood cells. It will help boost immunity and make healthy immune system. Good immune will help you stay healthy and avoid many diseases.

6. Preventing fatigue

Not only boosts the immune system, spinach can also help prevent tasa tired. Eating spinach will increase the amount of energy and reduce fatigue. Amount of iron present in it helps increase the production of oxygen in the body. In addition to preventing fatigue, can also help control blood sugar levels.

That's some spinach for health benefits. More frequent consumption of spinach in your daily diet to get the health benefits for the body.