5 Benefits of chicken meat for health

Chicken is one of the foods that can be prepared in various ways. In addition to delicious, chicken meat is also referred to as the most healthy when compared to red meat.

Here are some of the advantages and benefits of chicken meat for health, as reported by the Health Me Up.

1. Bone Health

Chicken meat contains minerals such as calcium and phosphorous which improve bone health. Chicken meat is also rich in selenium which helps reduce the risk of arthritis in old age.

2. Protein

Chicken is one of low-fat protein source is best. Eating chicken will help promote muscle growth and development.

3. Cure colds and flu
Myth that chicken meat can cure fever and flu had been proven. Eating chicken soup is known to help remove mucus that clogs disrupt the respiratory tract or nose. In addition, the chicken soup is also known to cure sore throat.

4. Overcoming Depression

In addition it contains a lot of protein, chicken meat is also a good source of tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid which one can give a feeling of comfort to the body. Chicken meat also increase serotonin in the brain which helps raise mood and sleep soundly.

5. Cardiac health

Chicken also contains a lot of vitamin B6 is good for lowering homocysteine ​​levels. Homocysteine ​​is an amino acid that can increase the risk of heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids that exist in chicken meat also helps reduce triglyceride levels that can cause spots on the blood vessels.

Unless you have an allergy to chicken meat, do not hesitate to eat them. Meat chickens provide many benefits to the body. But also select healthy chicken meat like chicken.

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