5 Benefits of eating pumpkin seeds for health

There are so many grains are recommended by health experts to be consumed. Because the grain full of nutrients and minerals that can support the body's health. One is pumpkin seeds.

This is the healthy benefits contained in the pumpkin seeds as reported from indiatimes.com

1. Heart health

Eating pumpkin seeds are very good for your heart health. Because pumpkin seeds contain magnesium which is very important to control blood pressure, prevent sudden heart attack, and stroke.

2. Boost the immune system

Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc that can help you to boost the immune system and reduce the risk of viral infections such as piles, flu, fatigue, and depression.

3. Prostate Health

Eating pumpkin seeds is recommended for men. Because pumpkin seeds will be high zinc content in it. This substance is very good to support a healthy prostate and treat benign tumors in the prostate.

4. Reduce the risk of diabetes

According to some studies, pumpkin seeds can improve insulin regulation so as to prevent the complications of diabetes and reduce oxidative stress.

5. Improve quality of sleep

Eating a few grams of pumpkin seeds before bedtime is very useful to improve the quality of your sleep. Because tryptophan pumpkin seeds provide the necessary hormones melatonin and serotonin in your body to make you sleep soundly.

Although small shape, high pumpkin seeds will benefit to improve the health of the body. So you can eat them as a variety of healthy foods you.