This is due to too long looking at the computer screen

Everyone thought that was too long staring at a computer screen or a laptop will make the eyes become tired. When in fact, not only that the effect of staring at a computer screen for too long on the eyes. Spent more than seven hours a day in front of a computer can cause dry eye syndrome resembling, according to a recent study in JAMA Ophtyhalmology.

Researchers analyzed the concentration of MUC5AC, a protein that is found in the lining of the eye. This protein serves to keep the eye moist. They then found that employees who work more than seven hours to stare at a computer screen appeared to have the lowest levels of MUC5AC. The protein level was even lower in people who have dry eyes.

So, why stare at the computer makes the eyes dry? This is because when a person sees something that emits light, such as a computer or laptop, tears rolling eyeballs evaporate faster. Meanwhile, people tend to blink less frequently when staring at a computer screen, so the tears do not evaporate immediately replaced.

"Research shows that when staring at a computer screen in a period of time long enough, someone will blink frequency decreased 10-fold," said Lisa Park, MD, professor of New York University, as reported by the Women's Health Mag.

In addition to causing the eye to become dry and uncomfortable, dry eye syndrome can cause damage to the ability of one's vision. Park explained that when the eyes become very dry, tissue on the surface of the eye can be damaged and lead to infection.

Dry eye syndrome is more and can be fatal if you use contact lenses. After wearing contact lenses for 10 hours and make a dry eye, contact lenses are likely to scratch the eyeball when you take it off. It also can cause infection if left alone.

But do not worry, there are several ways you can do if you really have to work more than seven hours at the computer. The first step is you looking away from the computer screen every 15 minutes or so. You can look into the window, hours, or other. If the eyes start to feel dry, you can use artificial tears four times a day.

For contact lens wearers, while the eyes feel dry do not jump off your contact lenses. First use of artificial tears and contact lens feels let float on the surface of the eye. Only later release. This is done so that the lenses do not swipe the lens on the eye ball.