3 super food to protect the power of the brain

The older a person's ability to decrease, not to mention their mental abilities. Because many seniors are starting senile disease, even more dangerous diseases such as dementia or Alzheimer's.

Even so, not only age that could affect the decline in mental abilities. So far, the researchers also found a link between diet and the diet of someone with brains. Lifestyle such as getting enough sleep and exercise is also one thing that should be done if someone wants to have a good brain capability.

Nutrients such as vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, and other foods that are known to increase the ability of the brain. In addition to these foods, there are three other super foods that can help you prevent a decrease in the ability of the brain. Here it is, as reported by the Daily Health Post.

1. Coconut oil

Although said to have too much fat, but coconut oil also has essential nutrients to the brain. Coconut oil keeps the brain in order to stay healthy as MCT (medium-chain triglucerides) is in it is the energy of the brain's ability to care for. But make sure you eat coconut oil is pure and organic.

2. Brahmi

Brahmi or Bacopa monnieri may not have been familiar to the people of Indonesia. This herbaceous plants commonly used in the treatment in India and is known to overcome the problems associated with cognitive problems such as epilepsy, or other diseases such as asthma and ulcers. Brahmi is also known to ward off diseases associated with memory decline in the elderly such as Alzheimer's and dementia.

3. Walnut

Walnuts have effects such as tomatoes to the heart, garlic for blood cells, and carrots for the eyes. Research in the UK shows that eating a half cup of walnuts every day for two months can improve brain thinking skills. This is because the omega-3 fatty acids in it and vitamin E, which can be found in walnuts. In addition, walnuts also contain antioxidants.

Those are some super foods to maintain good health. Eating foods above will help you to prevent diseases associated with memory loss, as well as preventing a decrease in the ability of the brain in old age.