A visit to the dentist does not have to be done every six months

A visit to the dentist does not have to be done every six months - Since childhood, we are always reminded to be diligent brushing teeth and visiting the dentist every six months. But a recent study says that the visit did not actually have to be done every six months.
According to researchers from the U.S. and the UK, not much difference was found in dental patients who visited the dentist once and two times a year.

Researchers used data precisely 9,200 patients who often visited the dentist. They also focus on the risk of tooth and ultimately make the respondent made ​​a visit to the dentist.

As reported by Medical Daily, several other risk factors were also observed, such as diabetes, smoking, and certain genes.

As a result, it turns out respondents who visited the dentist once a year not having dental experience is much different from the date of their visit to the dentist twice a year.

The study was later reported in the Journal of Dental Research.

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