5 important benefits of eating fish every day

Fish has been known as the food is healthy for the body. Various parts of the fish from the skin, flesh, until the oil is able to bring a lot of benefits for health. In addition it easy to process the fish into a variety of dishes also be additional points are easy to eat fish.

Here are the reasons why you should eat fish on a regular basis as reported from boldsky.com.

1. Preventing cardiovascular disease

Omega-3 fatty acids that are in fish can help lower blood pressure, reduce blood clotting, and heart healthy . So you too can avoid cardiovascular disease.

2. Against cancer

Cancer became one of the most emerging diseases today. But you can prevent it by always eating healthy foods such as fish. The fish is known to reduce the risk of various types of cancer such as ovarian cancer, oral cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and esophageal cancer.

3. Improving brain function

Eating two servings of fish a week is very beneficial to improve brain function. The reason is again because of the omega-3 fatty acid content in it.

4. Rich in nutrients

Indonesian people are very fond of eating fish heads. It is beneficial to meet the needs of the thyroid and iodine in the body. Furthermore, the content of gelatin in it is also good for improving digestive health.

5. Cure depression

Higher life guidance sometimes able to provoke depression. But you can overcome it by regularly eating fish. For a study showed that those who eat fish, have a lower risk of developing depression.