5 Benefits of healthy blueberries

Berries such as strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, and give other types of fruit are known as super healthy. This is because the fruit is high in antioxidants which are able to build the human immune system. So you can be protected from disease if you are diligent in taking them.

In addition to these benefits, these other healthful benefits of blueberries as quoted from health.com.

1. Healthy Bladder

A study done in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that blueberries contain compounds that can specifically kill bacteria attached to the bladder. These bacteria are a major factor in the rise of urinary tract infections.

2. Preventing cancer

The blue color is in blueberries comes from anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant that is proven to fight cancer. Besides being able to prevent liver cancer, this substance can also fight prostate cancer.
3. Improving brain function

Other antioxidants in the blueberries are flavonid can nourish your brain. A study from the Annals of Neurology found that women who eat blueberries can avoid the risk of cognitive decline.

4. Reducing inflammation

Inflamed blood vessels that can cause heart disease. Because when arterial meradangam the arteries to constrict and increase the blockage caused by plaque that forms. The health condition called atherosclerosis can be cured by diligent eating blueberries. Because the content of anthocyanins in it can dilate the arteries and reduce the buildup of plaque.

5. Healthy digestion

Without much is known, blueberries contain probiotic bacteria in it. These bacteria are able to reduce the growth of harmful bacteria in the digestive tract and keep the digestive system in order to function properly.

Besides consumed raw, though blueberries can be a wide variety of delicious desserts. So immediately increase consumption of blueberries you that the body becomes healthier.

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