5 easy way desist flu

Changes in erratic weather like today often interfere with your body's health. The impact of the most common is the appearance of mild disorders such as abdominal pain, dizziness, and flu. When the flu strikes, the whole activity of your auto disrupted.

Here is the easiest way to prevent the flu as reported from healthmeup.com.

Increase consumption of antioxidants

Strengthen your immune system by eating lots of antioxidants is the easiest way to cope with the flu. Some high vitamin antioxidants are vitamins A, B complex, C, and E.

Expand to eat vegetables

Not only can lose weight, eat lots of vegetables are also able to nourish your body. Because vegetables are rich in phytochemicals, which is good to help the body fight disease.

Avoid stress
As is well known, the stress is able to weaken your immune system. Therefore when you start to tense and a lot of pressure, immediately reduce your activity and multiply relaxation.

Do not forget the rest

In addition to stress, lack of sleep also can lower your immune system. So no matter how busy you are, do not ever forget to take time out 7-9 hours a day to rest.

Smell the fresh air

Environment that you encounter every day it is not possible to save a lot of dirty air in it. Not to mention the emergence of viruses and bacteria around the home and work environment. Consequently not surprised if you could get the flu vulnerable. So do not forget to always breathe fresh air in the morning. Not only cleans the lungs, fresh air can make you more relaxed.

Instead of your activities disrupted because of the flu, you better stop the flu before it comes. One way is by following the tips above. Good luck!

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