Until now, breakfast is still regarded as a meal that's not too important compared to lunch and dinner. Many people including breakfast not too assume that provide significant benefits to the body. Plus it appears the assumption that when the morning you still do not feel hungry so you had missed breakfast.
Though some health research has been said that breakfast is the most important meal hours. For breakfast you are able to provide the energy needed to move.
Though some health research has been said that breakfast is the most important meal hours. For breakfast you are able to provide the energy needed to move.
Here is a health hazard that you should know when you skip breakfast as reported from indiatimes.com.
- Each time you skip breakfast, your digestion work be erratic. Because you're doomed digestion to digest food with a great meal schedule 3 times a day.
- The food you consume is able to provide fuel for your move. But when your stomach is empty in the morning, then there is no more food to be digested. As a result, the body's 'take' fat as fuel. But in the long run, the effect of this process is able to harm the body.
- Because your metabolism is reduced every time you hunger, then by itself will weaken your body's defenses. Therefore, for you are always excited, do not forget to have breakfast.
- Without you knowing it, starving in the morning was able to interfere with your mental health. You become more irritable and emotional when you feel hungry. And start the day with a sense of anger is not a good idea.