5 Hidden Health Benefits of beetroot juice

Currently bits still not too popular in Indonesia. Getting a bit of fruit is also not easy because there are always available in supermarkets or fruit markets. Because not many people know bits of fruit, they rarely know the great benefits of the fruit behind this one.

Fruit bits referred to as one of the super foods because of the many health benefits that exist in it. Here are some of the health benefits of fruit hidden behind a bit, as reported by Mag for Women.

1. Increase stamina

Bits helps improve stamina, and are very suitable to be consumed when you want to exercise. Drinking beetroot juice on an empty stomach not only helps provide energy to exercise and make the body more stamina to exercise longer.

2. Lowering blood pressure

Beet juice is a source of nitrate which is a natural chemical substance. Nitrate in beetroot juice will react with nitric oxide which can help blood flow in the body and lowering blood pressure.

3. Rich folate and potassium

Total folate and potassium which many in the beet juice is also good for health because it can strengthen the body and boost the immune system. Not only that, the existing fiber in beet juice also helps the process of digestion and cleanse the body from all kinds of toxins. Therefore, if you want to remove toxins from the body, beet juice is one drink that you should consume.

4. Protecting the liver

Beet juice is known as a good food for the liver. This is because the beet juice can remove toxins from the blood and improves blood flow in the body. By doing so, beet juice helps the liver performance and protect their health.

5. Lowering Cholesterol

Beet juice is also rich in antioxidants that are visible from the color of the fruit. Potent antioxidants in beet juice to lower cholesterol levels and make you healthier. High cholesterol is one of the factors of heart disease. So indirectly beet juice can also prevent heart disease.

Those are some health benefits of beet juice are seldom known by many people. Now if you see the fruit bits do not hesitate to eat them. One way is to make juice. But remember, do not add too much sugar or sweetener in your beet juice to stay healthy.