Almond, tasty snack potent prevent heart disease

Talk about heart health, many people do not associate it with almonds. The beans are often used as a snack is proved to have great benefits for heart health. A study suggests that eating almonds every day will reduce the risk of heart disease.

Researchers from Aston University revealed that almonds contain a lot of antioxidants which improve blood circulation and can lower blood pressure and blood flow, as reported by the Health Me Up (02/07).

"Our research confirms that almonds are a super food. Previous studies reveal that eating almonds will improve heart health, but recent research shows that used to eating almonds every day can reduce the risk of heart disease," said Professor Helen Griffiths from Aston University.

Not only that, almonds also have other health benefits such as helping you lose weight. This is because the almond filled with healthy fats, and vitamins and minerals that not only makes early satiety, but also reduces our desire to snack.

Almonds are also rich in minerals such as manganese, copper, magnesium, and vitamin B complex which helps the production of energy in the body. The more energy and activities carried out, the more calories you burn. Almonds are also rich in vitamin E as an antioxidant that helps keep the cells from damage.

B vitamins and minerals that exist in almonds can help improve memory and unleash the power of communication between cells in the brain. That's the health benefits of almonds are owned by the little guy. Do not hesitate to consume each day to maintain a healthy heart healthy or get other benefits.