8 Healthy foods to lose fat in the abdomen

After a hard workout and a diet with discipline, some part of your body has begun to shrink. Yet somehow belly fat hard to lose.

If you experience any of the above, try the following food consumption is beneficial to burn belly fat fast.

1. Green tea

One type of herbal tea is very good to help shrink the stomach and reduce inflammation in your body. Because green tea contains flavonoids which have anti-inflammatory properties and a natural compound that is able to burn fat in the abdomen.

2. Foods rich in omega 3

Research shows that eating a diet with omega 3 fatty acids which are capable of producing high flatter stomach. Examples of such foods are walnuts, flax seeds, and fish.

3. Garlic

Garlic is able to act as a natural antibiotic and blood sugar regulator. Because your blood sugar control, then you can maximize your body's fat burning in the body especially in the abdomen. Garlic also contains thermogenic that can increase metabolism.

4. Mint leaves

Drinking water steeping mint leaves to burn fat in the abdomen. Because natural womb can increase the body's metabolic system and dissolves fat in the abdomen.

5. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is able to act as the most effective fat burner. Add a pinch of cinnamon in the food or drink that you consume. Besides being able to give a tempting aroma, belly fat will disappear.

6. Watermelon

Watermelon contains 82% water which makes you feel full faster. As a result you will be protected from excessive cravings that can fatten stomach.

7. Apple

Besides being able to keep you from various diseases attacks, eating apples regularly can help reduce belly fat. Apples will help you feel full faster because apples contain a lot of potassium.

8. Bananas

Just like apples, bananas are also rich in potassium and multivitamins that can make you feel full faster. Besides eating bananas can also increase the rate of metabolism in the body.

That's some kind of food that can burn belly fat fast. Add these foods in your diet so that the maintenance of weight loss program you are able to walk to the maximum.