10 Diseases Caused By Nutritional Deficiencies

10 Diseases Caused By Nutritional Deficiencies - The ideal and balanced diet, enriched with the essential nutrients, is really a must for overall well-being. People alike require proper nutrition for ensuring the ideal and long life. Malnutrition and deficiency of those vital elements can result in serious diseases and conditions.
10 Diseases Caused By Nutritional Deficiencies

Diseases Caused By Nutritional Deficiencies :

1. Rickets :

Deficiency of Vitamin D together with calcium and potassium inside the body causes rickets. Rickets is seen as a weak and soft bones, bowed legs and bone deformities. Fish, fortified milk products, liver, oil and sunlight are a few rich causes of Vitamin D. One should turn to dietary supplements for creating up for the shortage from the “sunshine vitamin” inside the body.

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2. Pellagra : 

Dementia, diarrhea, dermatitis and death are “the four Ds” that characterize Pellagra, a disease caused by the shortage of Niacin or B3 inside the body. The deficiency of niacin is likewise accompanied by a brief supply from the amino acids, tryptophan and lysine as well as excessive presence of lysine inside the body. Foods enriched with niacin are tuna, whole grains, peanuts, mushrooms, chicken etc. These ought to be consumed regularly to keep off this disease.

3. Scurvy :

Alarmingly reduced levels of Vitamin C or ascorbic acid inside the body can cause scurvy. Scurvy basically inhibits the production of collagen inside the body which happens to be the structural protein that connects the tissues. Decaying from the skin and gums, abnormal formation of teeth and bones, delay or inability to heal wounds and bleeding are the results of scurvy upon the body. One must ensure optimal consumption of Vitamin C by utilizing citrus fruits like oranges, lemon, strawberry etc and broccoli regularly.

4. Beri Beri :

Insufficient Vitamin B1 or thiamine inside the body results in the disease called beri beri. The most typical symptoms of the illness are altered muscle coordination, nerve degeneration and cardiovascular problems. Meat, eggs, whole grains, dried beans etc are rich in thiamine and thus, ought to be consumed in proper amounts everyday to avoid this painful ailment.

5. Xerophthalmia or Night Blindness : 

Xerophthalmia or night blindness is seen as a blindness because of the poor growth, dryness and keratinisation of epithelial tissue or chronic eye infection. The reason for this disease is attributed towards the deficiency of Vitamin A inside the body. In worsened situations, night blindness can aggravate to finish loss of vision. The safest method to enhance the Vitamin A levels inside the body is as simple as consuming natural food sources like carrots, green and leafy vegetables, cantaloupes etc.

6. Goitre :

Iodine inside the body is important for normal cell metabolism inside the body and deficiency of iodine may cause goitre. Goitre results in enlarged thyroid glands causing hypothyroidism, poor growth and development of infants in childhood, cretinism as well as mental retardation. This disease is commonly found to happen in places having iodine deficit soil. Iodised salt and saltwater fish are rich causes of iodine, and should be consumed regularly to avoid goitre. 

7. Iron Deficiency Anaemia :

Iron deficiency anaemia is really a disease caused from the deficiency of iron inside the body. It‘s characterized using a decrease inside the red blood cell count or hemoglobin inside the body, leading to fatigue, weakness, dyspnoea and paleness from the body. It could be easily treated by changing to the ideal diet and consuming iron supplements regularly. Squashes, nuts, tofu, bran etc are rich causes of iron to the body.

8. Kwashiorkor :

Kwashiorkor is really a deficiency disease caused by insufficient protein and energy inside the body. It‘s seen as a anorexia, an enlarged liver, irritability and ulcerating dermatoses. These will be the perhaps one of the nutritional deficiencies in children, especially from famine-struck areas and places with poor food supply, Kwashiokor is caused by malnutrition. The ideal and balanced diet enriched with protein and carbohydrate sources like eggs, lentils, rice etc helps combat this issue.

9. Depression :

Problems of depression, hair thinning, rashes and mental issues are caused from the deficiency of Vitamin B7 or biotin. This deficiency could be fatal if present inside an aggravated form. Consume poultry products, dairy items, peanuts, nuts etc which are rich causes of biotin. These should be consumed together with supplements to recover and prevent these illnesses. 

10. Osteoporosis :

Deficiency of Vitamin D and calcium inside the body can negatively impact the health from the bones and spine. It results in unhealthy, soft and brittle bones which are susceptible to fractures and defects inside the spine structure. Bananas, spinach, milk, okra, soy and sunlight are natural causes of Vitamin D and calcium that act to get rid of this deficiency.

10 Diseases Caused By Nutritional Deficiencies - It is very important follow the ideal and balanced diet in an effort to lead the ideal and disease- free life. Apart given by a healthy diet, don’t forget to exercise everyday. This will therefore assist you avoid causes and signs of nutritional deficiencies. Stay safe, stay healthy ! Leave us your comments below.