Facts about the little-known headache

Facts about the little-known headache - There are many things that can cause headaches. Each symptom and the cause would require different handling. To better understand the headache problem, consider the little-known facts as reported by the Good Housekeeping below.

Types of headaches

At least, the headache can be divided into three types. First, stress headaches. Then the headaches because of the position of the neck. While the latter headaches caused by other health problems.

About migraine

Approximately 20 percent of women who get migraines have no known cause. Meanwhile, researchers had previously assumed that the risk of a migraine can trigger the brain's cognitive decline. But there is no real evidence of that.

Menstruating women
Among the 28 million Americans who get migraines, 70 percent of sufferers are women. They are more prone to migraine, especially if it is experiencing a menstrual cycle.

Food consumed

Some foods need to be avoided if you want to lower the risk of headache. For example, cheese, chocolate, alcohol, and processed meats. In addition, skipping meals can also increase the risk of headache.


Weather changes can also trigger headaches for some people. One study even found the fact that chronic headache sufferers 31 percent higher risk of recurrence of pain when they hear the sound of thunder.

Sleep and stress

Not surprisingly, stress and lack of sleep problems also cause headaches. But apparently most sleep also makes the head so ill. So you should sleep quota is filled in correctly.

Contact your doctor

Some people solve problems with headache medication. But there are times when people need to immediately contact a doctor when the headache began to interfere with work, daily life, sexual affairs, and trigger other health problems.

Doctors will prescribe certain or possible therapies and suggest that patients make lifestyle changes in order to overcome the headache.

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